This is my letter today to the HSARB:
I am writing to determine the specific legal relevance of the HSARB.
my complaint to the CPSO a few years back was dismissed without any
investigation whatsoever, and the appeal your offices pursued me to
follow through with was itself brutally dismissed with the shocking
legal argument that there was and is no legal requirement for the CPSO
to investigate any of the complaints that come its way, I would like an
official statement for my blog, on what legal grounds there are for an
appeal of a CPSO decision, if any.
As there are
clearly none - unless my appeal was an extreme miscarriage of justice -
then I also pose the question of what exactly your offices do, if there
is no legal foundation to your alleged oversight of the CPSO and thus
all medicine in the Province?
My brother
Matthew Michael Cassidy literally blinded himself while you dismissed my
concerns over his care, and your offices both knew this and concealed
it from me during the course of my appeal's dismissal on these very
illuminating legal grounds. You concealed from me direct evidence that
my concerns were not only valid, but had come to their horrific
If there was no actual requirement
for the CPSO to respond to my concerns, then why conceal it from me and
display such clearly apparent guilt? Are there legal avenues available
to me that I am unaware of?
My father,
Michael Morris Cassidy, who led Ont's NDP, and fought for the very
system you are part of, was recently fired by his Alzheimer's
'specialist' because he forgot to go to his appointment. His pension
does not cover his medical care, and he will have to go into a state
facility to die in a room with strangers - a tragic victim of his own
false 'socialist' fraud.
As your offices
have no apparent legal standing in Ontario, I cannot help but question
the legitimacy and wisdom of our entire system, and for whom and what
purpose exactly it is designed to serve.
Please explain to the good people of Canada what it is that your offices do, in the face of these disturbing legal realities.
Thank you,
Adam Harry Cassidy
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